
To the Parents, Guardians, Stakeholders of Heritage Schools:  

The Heritage District was informed by county public health this afternoon that a high school student has tested positive for COVID-19.  That individual was last at school Tuesday, 10/27. Contact tracing will be conducted by the county health department.  

The district is assisting the health department with supporting information.  Anyone identified within the contact time and distance guidelines from tracing interviews will receive instructions from county health on mitigation measures. 

The district performs daily cleaning and spraying with germ killing disinfectant throughout the schools at night, using devices newly purchased this summer and in use since school began.  Prior to school Monday, we will also perform deeper cleaning in the identified areas. 

With the weather turning colder and cases state-wide increasing, it is a good time to remind everyone about the importance of the daily symptom check sheets. They need to be completed and brought to school every day and must be accurate. Also, if anyone in your family or that you have been in contact with recently is getting tested, please wait for the results if COVID symptoms prompted the test.

Contact tracing conducted by the health department is the standard process for official communications with individuals who may be effected.  Parents of students and/or employees may be contacted during the contact tracing process and given further instructions.